subprocess vs Pyinstaller for Windows

1 min readAug 7, 2019


If you build .exe from command like this

pyinstaller --onefile --windowed

Use subprocess in script and DO NOT define stdin or set to None.

You script will freeze… ❄️❄️❄️.

Base on Windows workarounds of pyinstaller wiki.

Missing thing in many projects is not set stdin ( me too :/ ). This is very important if you want to use subprocess and Pyinstaller together. DO NOT leave stdin None. Assign subprocess.PIPE on it.

Example case

I want to convert flac file to mp3 by pydub and pack to exe by Pyinstaller.

from pydub import AudioSegmentsong = AudioSegment.from_file("my_song.flac", "flac")
song.export("my_song.mp3", format="mp3")

Simple.. But If you pack this script by Pyinstaller, Your script will freeze…. ️ ️Root cause is inside from_file function in this case, stdin_parameter is None.

But if I do same thing with from_file_using_tempory_files

from pydub import AudioSegmentsong = AudioSegment.from_file_using_temporary_files("my_song.flac", "flac")
song.export("my_song.mp3", format="mp3")

Yes, stdin in from_file_using_tempory_files is devnull ( not None ). Your script will not freeze. 🙌🙌




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